Lynn's resources and recommendations
Discover what I use to get things done and earn income**

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My go-to source of templates [PPT or Keynote,] images, movie backgrounds, and more is PresenterMedia

I fell in love with ThriveThemes after buying one plugin and soon thereafter got a full membership. It's so worth it for me.

Another of my "I love" services I use. Over my years online I tried several hosting solutions. All became costly, slow and with worsening customer service. I switched to WPX Hosting and never looked back. If nothing else, the customer service ROCKS!! And no question is ever considered too dumb to ask - believe me, I screw up things on my end - and they fix - and when I have o idea on how to do what they consider "easy" - they do it for me!!
I have not done many, and none yet with WebinarNinja, but I love it for what it can do and I WILL get one done and running a.s.a.p. Stay tuned!

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And What's Next?
Who knows? I read a lot of online material, am in several online business groups, and will add goodies here as I find and use them.
© Gray Wolf Productions and Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.. All rights Reserved I Disclaimer